Monday, February 15, 2010

A different reunion dinner

13 February 2010, Saturday

A different reunion. Thanks to CHONG & Family! It was a hilarious yet a heart warming scene to see the family fighting over whether to use a metal stirrer or a wooden stirrer to fry the vegetable, fighting over the way to hold the knife and direction to cut an abalone, quarrelling over whether should use slow heat or add heat, there's even an instruction sheet involved. LOL. Like an army of ants on a hot sizzling pan, like the way hazel and I try to bake our first cookie. It's the togetherness, the process that was fun.

Let me think when was the last time I stepped into kitchen and help to prepare a reunion dinner? It was always my grandma with her 3 maids and 2 daughters-in-law, never was I in the picture. I think I have missed out the kitchen fun all these years.

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