Sunday, August 02, 2009

St. James Powerhouse

Solphine got us VIP tickets for St. James Powerhouse, under the Power 98 The Red Party. Free entry, free flow of absolute vodka from 9p.m- 11p.m. So we went clubbing with our goldfriends. Beverly, Charlene, Cherry, Jia Rong,Solphine and her 2 friends. My firsttime.

LOL! It is this monkey that got us VIP tickets. Thanks from the Empire State.

Dorian and his friends joined us around 11.30p.m.

And I concluded that I don't really like clubbing. The music was blasting so loud that we had to scream into each other's ear , I almost went deaf. The ball lights were blinking so hard that my eyes hurt.It is crowded, and I cant dance, I am sure my body is a block of wood. I belong to the nature, back to the forest. Not here. After the first night of trying out clubbing, I summarize it into 2 words.dirty dancing.

I was right. Never second guess a woman's prediction. Or put it into another way, I know you too well. But, I didnt know I would get so affected by it, afterall, I knew it beforehand right? I had mental preparation. But it still fails me. Now I totally understand an Owl's feeling. No, maybe worse. At least she was drunk.
OK. Forgot about the loud music and all, they are simply excuses. You are the fact that I hate clubbing.

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