Sunday, January 31, 2010


29 January 2010, Favoritism

I seen it all the while. Just that I took it positively, as freedom and independence.

Why did you just bring her to meet your so called "high-class" friends? While they never even seen him before. Busy is not the true reason, just a facade. I know what you are really scared of, a disgrace to your image. Like what most of us do when an unexpected guest visits , secretly push our dirty clothes under a bed, show only the branded.

In secondary 2, go to work, go to work. You start pushing me to the work force, to stop the nagging and have peace in my ear, partially getting away from you. I landed in a job with MacDonald as the youngest worker. Want to bet? You wouldn't even get her to do that till after secondary 4!

"Don't go JC. Don't study university. Just go poly. Get a job!"take the SAF scholarship!", " take the NEVY scholarship!", " take the Chinese teaching scholarship!". Oh, please. You didn't even bother about what I want, you didn't even bother ASKING what I want. All you are interested in is to go to wherever that don't require you to pay.Yay. Wherever is the perfect word. So I went to a polytechnic, pick up a course WITH A SCHOLARSHIP that appealed to me the most. EWT. And I remembered, being overly-truthful I told the panel of interview judges that if not for this scholarship, I would not even pick this course. Phew, I was still granted a scholarship despite my blunder statement! Thank God, if not for it, I'm sure that I would be forced to quit school half way through! Now, you wanted me to go to work instead of college. Same reason of course. But, don't worry. I understand you full well. I will get a sponsor myself and would not spend a single cent of yours.

But if money was that important to you, what I do not understand was why would you encourage her to go Raffles girls. Independent school that charge $300 per month instead of our normal school that charge at least 10 times lower. Why do you want her to get into a school with direct route to A levels? What's with that change of thinking?

And you too. Happily indulging yourself in a game of masak-masak. You get to pick who to be your child, who you want to fetch home and who you want to leave out of the game. The only difference will be that the food is edible this time round, and that knife is real.

I know she must have find it ridiculous, even I myself thought so too.For no apparent reason, I ignored her. And her coughing. But I just don't feel like talking to any of them. I felt so eaten up by the word, favoritism.

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