Saturday, December 26, 2009

Brother's Tube

23rd December 2009

Simei ITE is actually one of the green mark award recipient!! Fly and I wanted to take that for our green building project but in the end was too much hassle and trouble to get permission from the security and management for taking a few shots of their buildings and corridors. In the end, we decided to change to National Library.

Suddenly, mum called to tell me that Andy was ambulenced to Changi General Hospital A&E because he can't breathe!! I rushed down to CGH, ( lucky it was only few hundreds meters away from Simei ITE) and waited for his operation with a heavy pounding heart. I'm sure I heard it pounding no matter how hard I try to remain calm.

The dotor inserted a tube into his lung to draw out the excess air. When I first met my brother at the observation room after his operation, he was so weak that he can't even open his eyes, but merely nod and shake his heads. He was so resistent to the idea of being hospitalised that he rather bring home the tubes. Ooo, now my poor little brother suffers tremedous pain from time to time, he can't lie down, he can't put on a tee shirt and neither can he bath.

May God brings strength, healing and peace to Andy.

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