Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sunshine for Li Li

Li Li you're such a worrywart.
Will you relax and don't think you owe the world everything??
Hahahaaha, I guess not, so I shall have to force it on you!!

There, muahahaha, I must paste one sun on your face next time if you start raining cats and dogs again. ((:
You're not responsible for everything, so stop blaming yourself, or you'll really be getting on my nerves!
You must learn to be selfish a bit in life because DUDE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! You're not an ANGEL, or Santa Claus. (hur hur, since Christmas is around some corners)

It's impossible to please everyone, so, learn from your fly, stand straight up, and quit feeling guilty (that's lame), and SMILE. (((((((((((((((((((((::
I feel like I'm teaching small kid to be bad HAHA, but yeah, it's TRUE K.
And Fly apologizes, shan't hate him and his gf. ((:
He's realli not that bad after all, if you think properly.


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