Saturday, November 24, 2007

i guess im bad

thankss jun lin for tagging in de blogg...
makes it so lively and cheerful nw.

bt i guess my life juz iznt as great as wad it seems.
(but jun lin, you did make my life better)

i guess im just bad.
im feeling sinful all over!
teachh mii to be the simple-minded. pure and innocent girl again.

im a bad girlfren.- maybe during the relationship it's not so badd- i guess im still pretty good:)) .... except maybe one regret, i did not draw enough time for him. but i didnt manage to keep up as a good gf after break up. this one he did much better than mi.

yes, im sad, im depress i wouldnt deny that. at that instant moment in ikea, i just couldnt resist my tears even in the presence of the customers. i smile and look up, hoping it would flow backward. but it didnt. its only after i start talking to people, i feel little better. guru, hazel, jun lin. were the ones who are always by my side listening, with several others hearing stories here and there. butt.. maybe this is a mistake. i shouldnt have share so personal stuff. people start to hate you for what you were doing to me. people start to form misconception about you and disapprove you for other relationships. this is so unfair to you. im bad, just to make me feel better, you were sacrificed. sorry. you are good at this, you are able to suppress your emotions so well that you can deal it within yourself, protecting mi away from any of such poor images.

people, he is not as bad as what you thought, so is his sorry that i couldnt promise that i will not be upset again, but if i do, teach mii how to smile and not teach mii how to remember his bad.

im a bad fren- i would never think of getting close to him, he is yours. right from the start. but i just dun noe hw to say no when he is trying to accompany me and send mi home every other nights. i left you alone so many times for ccas for extra modules for extra courses. you still came early and waited faithully for me weeks after weeks. i said i will go school early with you, yet i can overslept by hour. i can go to gym orientation without you, i can go to kota dinggi without you. all the little little things i go without you makes mii feel that i have deserted you for some other things. im guilty. im sorry. i found so many holes in the way i treated you, like im not being a good enough friend. yet you are almost a perfect friend. always there, always listen and always cheerful enough to laugh with me. you are patient with me. thank you:))

im a bad student- why why why why why?? i do know that im simply no good at autocad. but why do i lose the heart to pursue knowledge and understanding. since when did i learn to suckk at every problem i encounter? and getting freak out and annoyed whenever things doesnt go right.( which is like almost every now and then). where is my patience, where is my heart for learning?? thanks for all who realli really patiently guild me step by step over it.

im a bad myself- simple. i just couldnt think of anyways that i am good anymore.

who am i?
i feel so dirty
so bad
so guilty

all over.

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