Saturday, March 01, 2008


28 feb 08
sorry the dates of posting all mingled up.

cooking session with hazel
"dummies guide for organising a cooking session"

1. recipe hunting
we wanted to bake honey cornflakes with strawberry soomthie.

2. ingredient hunting.

3. ingredients mixing

chocolate melting, reminded me of our past two history of failure. first time i got my pot all stick up wif chocolate stain, then we called shermin for helpline, then we know we should actually steam it and nt melt it under fire. in the end the chocolate hardened like dont know what, we gave up eating them in the end because even knife is difficult to cut them up. 2nd failure, we mould it an alphebet moulds, in the end couldnt take them out at all. now is finally a success.
4. arrange nicely

5. eat!
he simply dont want to show me his expression. emm, he has got a long way to go if he wants to be food advertiser.

he looked through the frame and saw me. but apparently not that cheerful.

we did that together for jon and dom.

-with the strawberry candle light flikering, we played piano for him.

geee. next time will really take note that you dont eat chocolate at all. and i forgot you are allergic to kiwi, we added kiwi berries juice inside. hee, this time really xin ku ni le. haha, maybe next time really must think carefully what you like and not what i like!

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