Saturday, December 01, 2007

some weirdo pics

kok guan and winnie's wedding is just a few hours time.
simply couldnt wait.

first time attending a church wedding=)
GOd bless. simply pure joy.

some ramdom pictures found in email.

If you watch the below images from your seat in front of the computer, Mr.Angry is on the left, and Mrs.Calm is on the right.
Get up from your seat, and move back 12 feet, and PRESTO!! They switch places!! This illusion was created by Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of the Univ. of Glasgow


study study study study hard hard hard noami!
lol. think need to constantly remind myself of that le.
really dont knw what i have been doing for this whole semester.
autocad- here i come!

and we met each other at the bus stop today.
but pretended not to know each other. i guess i really dont know how should i react to it. im not angry anymore. im not jealous fact in thankful for her, i see the difference she makes in your life..but i guess still needed some times to get over this kind of awkard situation bah.gee. lucky yi shan was there. thanks yi shan:))

kinda miss ikea.
vicent is understanding supervisor- weeks after weeks, camps and CCAs, now studies and exams. he understand all as cheerful as ever to mii!! thanks=)
hazel, jaslyn, aaron- our new found weirdo family. love triangles with pigs here and there. but our pigs are fun! and when is our first date?? i want!
guru- err. sorry mountain tortoise is abit slow, don't really understand what has happened. but cheer up k? im coming back soon! everything will be alright again;)

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