Friday, February 13, 2009

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder

Just came across this website on Adult Attention Deficit Disorder which i highly think that I suffer from it! i have got 14 of it.

"They advocate that individual adults with at least twelve of the following symptoms strongly consider seeking professional help:"

A sense of underachievement, of not meeting one’s goals (regardless of how much one has actually accomplished).

Often creative, intuitive, highly intelligent.

Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started.

Many projects going simultaneously; trouble with follow through.

A tendency to say what comes to mind without necessarily considering the timing or appropriateness of the remark.

A frequent search for high stimulation.

An intolerance of boredom.

distractibility; trouble focusing attention, tendency to tune out or drift away in the middle of a page or conversation, often coupled with an inability to focus at times.

Difficulty getting organized.

Trouble in going through established channels and following proper procedure.

Impatient; low tolerance of frustration.

Impulsive, either verbally or in action.

Changing plans, enacting new schemes or career plans and the like; hot-tempered.

A tendency to worry needlessly, endlessly; a tendency to scan the horizon looking for something to worry about, alternating with attention to or disregard for actual dangers.

A sense of insecurity.

swings, mood lability (mood swings or significant changeability of a person’s overall state), especially when disengaged from a person or a project.

Physical or cognitive restlessness.

A tendency toward addictive behavior.

Chronic problems with self-esteem.

Inaccurate self-observation. Often cognitively isolated, with an inability to give credence to the input or commentary of others.

Family history of ADHD or manic depressive illness or depression or substance abuse or other disorders of impulse control or mood.

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