Thursday, June 05, 2008


jun lin tagged me this quiz to do.
LOL! " give you something to do"

1. Have you ever loved someone?
yep. or maybe somewhere near? im not sure anymore. NUMB. somebody has got to convince me.

2. Who is more important to you? friends or bf?
FRIENDS! Friends= heals heart break. bf= creates heart break.

3. Who are the people you trust the most?
Aunty Carol. thanks for giving the advice and guidance!

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
i have the least of it.

5. Are you missing someone now?
nope. told you i am NUMB.

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
yes. i believe and hope for one! ( if i had a moment to watch it rain and remembers about it)

7. What is your goal for this year?
confidence. courage and self- discipline.

8. Do you believe in eternal love?
YES! God's love is eternal.

9. What feeling do you love the most?
comfortable companion. when we walk through the night or cuddle on the couch together. when i sent u up the lift, you sent me down again. when you walk me to the safety zone.

10. What are the requirements of your the other half?
someone who seeks God, dilligent. decisive yet not controlling. and others.

11. List the best moments in your life.
worship.time with children.serving/ helping( sabah community service trip/ rainbow centre/ old folks home/)playing clarinet on the stage. with the environment. time with my friends, especially to hazel and junlin!

12. What do you hate most?
nagging. non- stop naggings.

13. Between love and money?
of cus love!

14. What's the most attractive things about a person to you?
confidence, musical, artistic, skin and eyes

15. Describe the person who tagged you using 5 words.
crazy, fun, mad, sweet, FIERCE!( hee, you wonder how the last 2 exist together right? Amazingly, she can!)

16. Who can you not live without?
God. and only Him.

17.If you have one wish now, what would you wish for?
a truely myself.

18.What do you want most for your birthday.
LOL! lots! dont label me as materialstic please*- CAMERA! wallet. clothes. shoes. bags. concert. room make over. +++

19. Have I kept pets before?
yep. dogs, parrots, fish, tortoise, rabbits.hamsters. and silkworms ( for science project if you count)- it stayed the longest with me. the rest didnt have nice endings. now, i decided to be a kind soul by keeping pets away frm me now.

20. Do you believe in dreams come true?
yes. there is a fairy tale in every girl's heart.

Instructions: Remove 1 ques from above and add in your personal ques. Make a total of 20 ques and tag 8 ppl. List them out at the end of your post. Notify them in your cbox! Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

the lucky 8(:
1. Beverly
2. Hazel
3. Johnathan
4. Nicholas
5. Kelly
6. Lloyd
7. Edwin
8. Felicia

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